Verity Bligh

Beacon HT 2018, Week 2: China, Australia and a Yard of Ale - Kevin Rudd

In this week’s episode of “The Beacon” – released on Australia Day 2018 – Verity Bligh talks to Kevin Rudd, a former Australian prime minister, current student at Jesus College and a lifelong Sinologist. Together, they discuss the nature of international diplomacy, China’s rise as a global power and the Turf Tavern “yard of ale” challenge. 

Beacon HT 2018, Week 1: "Enough Experts" - Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis

In this week's episode of "The Beacon", Verity Bligh talks to Kalypso Nicolaidis, Professor of International Relations at Oxford, about her innovative and engaging approach to make sense of big-picture current affairs. They discuss the meaning of Brexit through the lens of Greek mythology, the need for union rather than unity in Europe and the role of academia in a world that has "had enough of experts".